You can predict the tides but not the changes they make. Gunnison Del Valle was the current in the tide that was about to change my life.
Crash one we met.
Crash two we fell in love.
Crash three changed our perfectly planned lives forever.
“C’mon GC! Let’s go dance.” I shake my head no.
As she begins to pout, I pull her into my lap as I take a seat on the bench. “I think I’d rather just sit here with you.” I place a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear causing her eyes to lock on mine.
“And what are we gonna do beside sit?” she says with a raised eyebrow.
“Talk. Mar, I want to learn everything I can about you.”
Placing her arms around my neck, “Ask away,” she says.
“Favorite color?”
“Carolina Blue. Yours?”
“Yellow. Favorite movie?”
“The Notebook. What’s you’re favorite type of music?” she asks.
“Country.” Then she begins to giggle. “What’s so funny?”
“You’re like a Yankee Cowboy aren’t ya?” Stunned. Never in my life has a girl called it like she sees it, and I love it.
“Yankee Cowboy, huh?”
“Yeah, I mean look at your country boy hat,” she says with a wink. “I mean now all you need is a horse or two and you’re good.” I can’t help but laugh. She obviously doesn’t know what’s funny. “Why you laughin’?”
youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIDWwH8bf88


Casey Peeler grew up and still lives in North Carolina with her husband and daughter. Her first passion is teaching students with special needs. Over the years, she found her way to relax was in a good book.
After reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston her senior year of high school and multiple Nicholas Sparks’ novels, she found a hidden love and appreciation for reading.
Casey is an avid reader, blogger (Hardcover Therapy), and author. Her perfect day consists of water, sand between her toes, a cold beverage, and a great book!
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