Friday, September 20, 2013

Author Interview Emma Nichols

I had the opportunity to interview Emma Nichols. What a wonderful person!!

What sparked your interest in becoming a romance writer? 

I’ve always written, but put it on hold when I had children. My daughter actually encouraged me to pick it back up.

What was the first romance novel you read that made an impression on you?

Everyone says Fifty Shades, and I have to admit it rekindled my love for reading.

Tell us 5 surprising things about yourself.
  1. I’m thirty years younger than my husband. 
  2. I’m training for my first 5k. 
  3. I work in a tiny closet space like Harry Potter. 
  4. Some of my closest friends I’ve met online. 
  5. I don’t own cowboy boots.

Which authors have caught your interest lately? Why?

Althea Romig- Her books Consequences and Truth took me for a ride, and I’m dying for Convicted. MJ Carnal’s books are awesome! Then there’s Sarah Dosher’s  Haven from The Storm…LOVE! There are so many.

What type of book have you always wanted to write?

I’ve always wanted to write a murder mystery. Very twisted.

How did you get the idea for this particular novel?  

I had an Andrew once. I wanted to give him the life he never got to have. Not just the hearts and flowers, but the chaotic and crazy too.

What is your favorite scene in your new release? 

Definitely the sexting scene.

Flirting Questions

Which actor or book character do you have a crush on?  

Josh Duhamel, he’s one sexy funny man.

What’s your favorite body part of the opposite sex? 

I’m going with two, arms and chest.

What does love feel like? 

Overwhelmingly emotional, extremely peaceful yet angsty. It feel intense, lumps in your throat, flutters of excitement in your tummy.
Love feels intense and overwhelming, flutters in your tummy, lumps in your throat.

Hey, baby! What’s your sign? 

Scorpio (mine too!!)

What’s your idea of a perfect date? 

Picnic by the lake, with no one else around.

If you could take a romantic trip, where would it be?


Do you believe in love at first sight? 


Flirting Quickies:

Boxers or Briefs?  

Facial hair or clean shaven? 

Clean shaven

Alpha or Beta? 


Sweet or salty? 


Sleep in or get up early? 

Sleep in 

Laptop or desktop? 
Beach or mountains? 
Twilight or Fifty Shades?
Spotlight or In the Shadows? 
City or Country? 
A little bit of Both
Optimist or pessimist? 

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